Digital Transformation


Transform your business and increase productivity with the latest digital technologies
for the intelligent enterprise.

Smart Factory(컨설팅)

Introducing ‘VENY’,
our artificial intelligence payment robot.
Experience the next chapter in payment services
using AI to provide payment services while communicating with customers.
Introducing ‘VENY’,
our artificial intelligence payment robot.
Experience the next chapter in payment services
using AI to provide payment services while communicating with customers.
인공지능 결제 로봇 기능 소개 인공지능 결제 로봇 기능 소개
인공지능 결제 로봇 '브니(VENY)' 상세설명
  • 안면인식 카메라
    HD화질 안면 인식
    모션인식 고객 트래킹
  • 정맥 인식 센서
    바이오 인증 솔루션
    핸드페이 결제
  • 고사양 스피커, 마이크
    노이즈 캔슬링 스피커 노이즈
    효과적인 입/출력

Retail robots of the future
VENY and Venykio

  • 안정성 확보

    Guaranteed stability
    · Tried and tested H/W based on LOTTE POS systems
    · Interfaces with existing POS S/W
  • 신개념 서비스

    New service concept
    · Voice recommendation of discounts and associated products
    · Unmanned customer reception through robot
  • 마케팅 활용

    Marketing applications
    · Individual identification through facial recognition for recognition of regulars and use in various promotions

Futuristic retail robots
VENY and Venykio

  • 브니 - 롯데월드타워 시그니처점 썸네일 브니 - 롯데월드타워 시그니처점 썸네일

    Novel customer experience,
    meeting differentiated needs
    Various avatar functions
    to suit various circumstances

    VENY - LOTTE World Tower signature store
  • 브니키오 - 세븐일레븐 한남UN점 썸네일 브니키오 - 세븐일레븐 한남UN점 썸네일

    Self checkout
    only model

    VENYKIO - Hannam UN Store
Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to post your questions.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.